I was so thrilled to attend the H+ Summit last year! The attendees were an excellent cross section of industry and academia with content covering science, technology, and the future. Combined with the events surrounding the conference, the weekend was truly memorable. I'm excited for the next one.
- Brent Bushnell
The H+ Summit was by far the best event I attended last year. Chock full of dynamic and inspiring talks, H+ folks make the future look bright. Their optimism is infectious! I was dazzled by how engaged and curious both the speakers and attendees were. Through science and technology, theirs is a celebration of creativity, culture and human potential, the likes of which I had never experienced. I'm excited to see what they come up with and cannot wait for the next H+ Summit.
- Kasey McMahon

My goal in establishing the H+ Summits was to enable smart, curious friends to have a place where peer-to-peer conversations with the most interesting scientists, innovators, educators, writers, speakers, and artists could have the quality talks of a TED conference, but focused on those technologies that were most likely to change the human condition in the next two decades, at the most affordable price possible. The first H+ Summit exceeded my expectations with the quality, quantity and variety of presentations. What took me completely by surprise was how much fun people would have both in the conference and outside, how many people watched the live streaming (420,000!), and how much love people expressed for each other, and how many times people thanked me for the experience. The first H+ Summit was one of the best weekends of my life, and I think the H+ Summit at Harvard will be even better.
- Alex Lightman
Executive Director, Humanity+
A conference is often judged solely by the fame of its speakers. But as any experienced conference goer knows, the real action takes place between featured talks, where members of the audience meet up with one another and talk in small groups with speakers in a less formal, off-the-record situation. That's where the magic really happens. The H+ Summit was one of the best conferences for this type of networking I have ever attended. Fascinating speakers, great meet up opportunities. The H+ Summit is where today makes an appointment with tomorrow.
- Michael LaTorra
Assistant Professor of English
New Mexico State University
I'd never been to an H+ event until I attended the one that I helped produce! It was a jam-packed weekend of free-thinkers, unique characters and new ideas. Months later people are still talking about it, and many of the talks are still challenging my mind. I look forward to the next event I can attend.
- Doug Campbell
Co-Founder Mindshare LA and Syyn Labs, LLC
The H+ Summit was exceptional. The energy palpable and the speakers extraordinary. A wonderful range of thinkers, creators, and educators with a nice dose of philosophy woven into the mix. Big ideas. Big visions. H+ is on to something. I hope to attend the next H+ Summit and bring collegues. Thank you to Alex Lightman for the very good work.
- Kate McCallum
Founder c3: Center for Conscious Creativity

The talks at the 2009 H+ Summit were enthusiastic and erudite, with a
wonderful mix of scientists and engineers describing their own work on
futuristic technologies, and pundits and visionaries giving their
views on the implications of the new age we're building. But what
impressed me the most was the diversity of the attendees. It wasn't
just the same old crowd of long-time futurists and hi tech
entrepreneurs -- though they were certainly there in abundance. There
was a broad cross-section of intelligent,interested people from all
walks of life, including more women, artists and
entertainment-industry people than one normally sees at futurist
events. This enriched the hallway dialogues immensely, and gave me
hope that the time has finally come for transhumanist ideas to grow
beyond their "Rapture of the Nerds" origins and more seriously pervade
the culture at large."
- Ben Goertzel
If anyone is even wavering -- JUST DO IT!! I enjoyed the last December's H+ Summit beyond description!!! One of the inspiring experiences of my life. I just inhaled it all in with a grin on my face the entire time. The future is YOURS...
- 'Sam' Naughton