Alex Lightman is the Executive Director of Humanity+ and the chair of the H+ Summit @ Harvard and of the inaugural H+ Summit held December 2009 in Irvine, California. He is a director of Fortune Nest Corporation (Bahrain, Beijing and Beverly Hills, CA) and of Inova Technology. He is an award-winning educator, an inventor with several US patents issued or pending and the author of over 800,000 words, including 12 articles in h+ magazine, and Brave New Unwired World: The Digital Big Bang and The Infinite Internet, the first book on 4G wireless. He has advised NATO, the US Dept. of Defense, and a number of governments on Internet Protocol version 6, the 128-bit successor to the current Internet, IPv4. Lightman's advocacy led to the only Congressional hearings held on US Internet Leadership, conducted by The Government Reform Committee and at which Lightman testified, leading to implementation of Lightman's recommendations to mandate IPv6 for the US government and require IPv6 as part of government information technology contracts. Lightman studied Civil and Environmental Engineering, and graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1983 (Course I-A), and attended graduate school at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government. He lives in Santa Monica, California, where he runs marathons, and attempts his first Ironman triathlon, in the UK, on August 1, 2010.
Knowledge may be expanding exponentially, but the current rate of civilizational learning and institutional upgrading is still far too slow in the century of peak oil, peak uranium, and "peak everything". Humanity needs to gather vastly more data as part of ever larger and more widespread scientific experiments, and make science and technology flourish in streets, fields, and homes as well as in university and corporate laboratories. In this talk, H+ Executive Director Alex Lightman will give an introduction and overview of the big picture of H+ the organization, the magazine, and the conference, and how the participants can make the most of their experience and relationships at the conference. The case for ending embargoes and other beaver dams in the rivers of potentially global knowledge will be made. Lightman will offer a vision of a properly functioning Eversmarter world, ending with a call to action to become a citizen-scientist, and a recruiter of other citizen-scientists.
The H+ Summit is a two day event that explores how humanity will be radically changed by technology in the near future. Visionary speakers will explore the potential of technology to modify your body, mind, life, and world.
What will it mean to be a human in this next phase of technological development? How can we prepare now for coming changes?
We foresee the feasibility of redesigning the human condition and overcoming such constraints as the inevitability of aging, limitations on human and artificial intellects, unchosen psychology, lack of resources, and our confinement to the planet earth. The possibilities are broad and exciting. The H+ Summit will provide a venue to discuss these future scenarios and to hear exciting presentations by the leaders of the ongoing H+ (r)evolution.
This year's summit will be held in the Harvard University Science Center in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Harvard University Science Center
One Oxford Street
Cambridge, 02138
View the full list of speakers at the H+ Summit
"The first H+ Summit exceeded my expectations with the quality, quantity and variety of presentations. What took me completely by surprise was how much fun people would have both in the conference and outside, how many people watched the live streaming (420,000!), and how much love people expressed for each other, and how many times people thanked me for the experience. The first H+ Summit was one of the best weekends of my life, and I think the H+ Summit at Harvard will be even better."
Alex is speaking at this year's summit:
The Rise of Citizen-Scientists in the Eversmarter World
The H+ Summit was exceptional. The energy palpable and the speakers extraordinary. A wonderful range of thinkers, creators, and educators with a nice dose of philosophy woven into the mix. Big ideas. Big visions. H+ is on to something. I hope to attend the next H+ Summit and bring collegues. Thank you to Alex Lightman for the very good work.
-Kate McCallum
What does it mean to understand the brain? Where are we on the roadmap to this goal? What are the effective routes to progress - detailed modeling, theoretical effort, improvement of imaging and computational technologies? What predictions can we make? What are the consequences of materialization of such predictions - social, ethical? Kurzweil will address these questions and examine some of the most common criticisms of the exponential growth of information technology.
The H+ Summit was by far the best event I attended last year. Chock full of dynamic and inspiring talks, H+ folks make the future look bright. Their optimism is infectious! ... Through science and technology, theirs is a celebration of creativity, culture and human potential, the likes of which I had never experienced. I'm excited to see what they come up with and cannot wait for the next H+ Summit.
-Kasey McMahon
Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity to listen to some of the world's greatest minds.
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